BHS-Sonthofen 为新加坡的粉煤灰加工提供了两台特别大的带式过滤机。BHS 为这一重大项目提供定制的 BFR 320-150 过滤器。这些过滤器目前正在 BHS 的松托芬总部生产,并将于今年交付给客户。
BHS-Sonthofen Process Technology 为化工行业的客户提供了全新的、标准化和模块化的烛式过滤器供应方案。
由于采用了化学回收工艺,塑料可以再次被利用,回收物品的质量与新物品相同。尤其是 PET,新的创新工艺成功地将废旧塑料分解成化学成分,从而使其重新进入材料循环。所有这些方法都有一个共同点:回收成分的纯度决定了最终产品的质量。仔细观察这些工艺,就会发现高效过滤和滤饼清洗是如何为技术功能性和经济可行性解决方案做出贡献的。
Instant products provide consumers with natural flavors in a concentrated, long-lasting format. The final granulate is the result of a multi-stage procedure that starts with an extraction. Hot water or steam is used to leach aromas from a solid. Traditionally, this process step involves the use of extraction columns. BHS has optimized extraction processes at various customers by introducing rotary pressure filters. This increases the yield and improves the taste of the final product. Owing to these properties, producers and end consumers both benefit from the alternative process.